Group Photo from the Airport
(click image for higher resolution photo)


11-02-05: First Podcasts from the Airport


Listen to the volunteers, and what they're most looking forward to seeing (.mov Quicktime format)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
"Thank You" messages from Kirk Horn



11-02-05: Second Podcast
(A special message to Neil Weber)


Introduction, "Hi Neil", "Thank you!"



11-05-05: Third Podcast


Our first podcast from Africa, Africa Day 2


Fourth Podcast

The Well


Movie Clips
(.4v format - Quicktime 7 required)

"Cooking", "Cleaning", "On the Farm", "Pizza1" , "Pizza2", "Pizza3", "The Cow", "Making the Well", "On the Farm"


The new Rafiki Orphanage Children's Center